The Art and Science of Ecommerce StoryTelling

If you run an ecommerce business, you probably know that storytelling can help you to build more than just a business. The art of storytelling in a competitive web platform is crucial for building a strong brand. The competition is ever sizzling and you need a tactic that helps you to retain your brands’ competitive edge.

Mastering the art of storytelling enables you to connect, retain and engage customers. This way, they are inclined to keep coming back, and they become your brand ambassadors albeit passively. It’s true that the rules don’t change, since it’s all about helping potential customers to perceive you as a formidable partner every time they want specific problems solved. When you master storytelling, not only will you develop a strong brand, but also you’re guaranteed that customers will always relish your product stories and they will remain loyal.

Be original

Storytelling around a brand isn’t easy. It’s not just using random words to advertise or appeal to a specific audience. The modern shopper is wiser and they will keep off your brand, if they think that you’re fabricating the stories you use. To be safe, consider using authentic content that a customer can relate with. Using real-life stories and how a product helped a particular customer will give credibility to everything you say. Remember, the best brands don’t hound customers with grandstanding product information. Instead, they demonstrate an understanding of customer problems and how to solve them.

Storytelling to Boosts Your E-Commerce Sales

If you want storytelling to work for you, it’s important to explain your brand and tell customers what you can offer. It’s important to have an in-depth understanding of the market needs and problems you’re trying to solve. Also, it’s advisable that your target audience understands why your brand/product is different or better than the rest. You are likely to succeed if you choose a specific demographic and focus on solving their problems instead of taking a jack-of-all-trades approach.

Leverage Real-Life Stories

To make an impact with your storytelling, consider telling potential customers exciting stories about the product or service in question. It pays to replace the product descriptions with product stories. This tells your audience/customers that you’re thinking more about their problems more than the profit you will make. A brand whose stories resonate with the audience has an easy time convincing customers to buy. Remember, success only comes when you channel your resources towards understanding who your customers are and what they want.

Storytelling Drives Brand Loyalty

As an e-commerce marketer, you have spent a lot to attract the right customer cluster. It’s true that you want them to stay on board and become repeat customers. With the right storytelling skills, you can invoke customer emotions and keep them loyal from one buying journey to the next. When you choose the right words and tactic, your customers will always be curious to find out more about your brand. They will grab every chance you offer them to be part of the brand. As long as the customer feels valued and cherished, your brand will enjoy a constant flow of revenue and referrals into the future. Remember, you have your competition to beat and you need to proactively tell your customers why you’re better than the rest.



Use Storytelling for Brand Awareness

Storytelling in e-commerce is a way of enhancing brand awareness and fostering brand advocacy. With excellent storytelling skills, you can repurpose your story to fit different mediums and locations. You need to be adept when it comes to telling a story. Don’t rely on the same old monotonous product story, since it can throw your customers off. Consider a creative way of telling the same story differently on a blog post, on your website, on a social media post or on the product description section.

To make your storytelling efforts to pay off as visualized, make sure that your audience can learn more about you and your brand. It’s advisable to simplify the process for new customers. You can use pop-ups or synchronise your story on the site navigation menu. Additionally, consider talking to your customers on a personalized level. If you want to convince them to buy repeatedly, storytelling will help you hack it.